from bad to worse

sheesh...everything's getting bad for me...i think i need to muhasabah diri...maybe i did something wrong, that's why everything is screwed for me now...

today's my boss's last day...i thought i'd be happy, but i'm upset...this is too nuts...doesn't make sense that i don't have anyone anymore to lean on or to act as my shield...

my most trustworthy engineer is resigning...i have another engineer to help, he's great, but he's work is now gonna be my work, my boss's work and his freaking screwed...

i don't know if i'm strong enough for this...need to get away and think straight...last thing i wana do is have a family reunion...and that's supposed to wake up at 5.30am, its 3.12 am now, and i can't sleep...

maybe i shud take monday half day off...maybe ielts results would cheer me up, maybe least its the most promising thing for now...

very unhappy...


Zaitul said…
muhasabah diri...then never forget...setiap org ada masalah masing2...cume in different manner jer...kalau kite susah...ada org lain lg susah...Tuhan takkan bagi kite ujian yg Dia sendiri tau kite leh handle Insya Allah. Maybe Tuhan suh kite insaf...maybe Tuhan has smth really good installed for you...Wallahualam. Hang in there and be strong =)
herl said…
put, it's been a loooonggggg time since i last read ur blog and also write on my blog. be tough kay, i know u r a strong person. happy fasting and let's meet during raya k...

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