April and May of Happiness
I'm sorry...I've not been very consistent these few months...Work should never be an excuse for not writing, but my hands are tied, I'm just helplessly busy now...Not just with work, but with life...Yup, I have a life...hehe...so much so that Mom is starting to ask about my whereabouts lately...Its been awhile since she's asked, coz I've not been this happily busy for quite some time...As always, let the pictures tell you the story of Olyn and her life... :)
Farewell Zai...Haziq posing beria after he got used to the idea that this Aunty will keep on mengurat him till he falls for her as well..hehe...
KL while driving out on the AKLEH...breathlessly heavenly...
Miz Parviano with her blink blinks...Nicely girl...
gosh....i think haziq appear more in ur blog than i do...iissshhh tk aci ni hahaha...
aiyyyooo....i miss him soooo much.aint he the cutest (i am bias i know haha)? my cheeky little boy hehe
no..ure not eing biased...mmg comel pong..huhu
mcm ellie..