
its funny how at this age and after all ive been thru, i could still manage to make myself hurt in the heart one more time...i mean, come on...it was only 2 times that we've met (and 6 months of contact through phone and web), but this dainty heart of mine just had to stroll along and stumble...my crushes started in college, yeah...i have many many crushes...i may look like a dork in college, nose in the books and all, but hello, i have needs too ok...i dont even know now how to differentiate between crushes and love anymore, thanks to old age, and too many romantic movies (damn i love those) i guess...i thot i was in love with this latest one, well, maybe still am, especially after he has confessed 3 times that he is...but u dont just disappear after saying those kinda things do u? im confused...hmmm...maybe im a lousy kisser? naa...cant be...with these amazing lips?? (who else would say this if not me) anyway...ive chucked him out (well, not entirely, to be honest, we're still connected in other ways) and am waiting for my next interest...bored now, not knowing when and who and how...sometimes i wish i could just purchase one from jusco and be done with it...life just has to be harder though so u could have better stories to tell ur children...imagine saying to them...i bought ur daddy in jusco keramat...so not romantic...now i feel like i need to go shopping...


kEruL said…
totally agreed that!!! what a man actually thinking??? are those words just a words for them??? it happen to me too...still connected but didn;t think he has the same interest as some times ago (when he confessed)...shopping was a great idea :))

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