I had a really good weekend, and had an even better ending to it, thanks to a dear friend whom I accidentally met last night. Its been about 2 years since I met Wahidah and hubby, Naler. They looked just as how I left them, but Wahidah managed to gain a few inches on the waist, happily carrying a baby, due by the end of the month. She really looks good, radiant in fact. Hope for the best for them both, and may they be blessed with a beautiful baby girl or boy. I'm sure...
Saturday was total relaxation day. Woke up really late, dressed up really slowly, and headed straight to Ikea. We received their catalogue a few weeks back, on their 2006-2007 items, plus a Ramadhan promotion on food. I must say that it is definitely too good a deal for my money. The buffet is running at just RM15.90+ and the food was really good. For the main course, there was Nasi Minyak, Nasi Putih, Meehoon Goreng (mind you, with fresh prawns), Rendang Tok, Terubuk Bakar, Beef Stew, Ayam Kalio and Pucuk Paku Masak Lemak. And of course there was the side dishes. They have all the appetisers of Malaysia, including Tempoyak, Budu, Cencalok, Sambal Mangga, Sambal Belacan, Air Asam, Ikan Masin, Telor masin, a few types of Kerabu, Keropok and the list goes on and on...For dessert, my fav was the Apple and Almond Flan, Carrot Cake, lotsa Jell-o with cream, some Malay kuih and fruits. Drinks range from Teh Tarik, Fruit Juices, Chocolate Milk, Soybean Milk and Water. Isn't that yummy? They change their food daily, but the same level could be expected each time. The food counters open at 6.30pm to 8.30pm, but the line for payment starts at about 6pm, so we were lucky that we arrived early. A really comfy surau is also of great convenience, since it is just next to the food court area. I'd give this place 4 stars for its facilities and the food.
Sunday saw me shopping, shopping, shopping...And I also had time to create a chicken dish that have yet to be named. Lets see...