semester 1...almost there...

its been 4 months now since my time flies...i've just submitted my 8th and 9th assignment for d semester and it feel gooooooooooooooddddddd......

next up are 2 exams; one is open book with many many calculations and limited time...i guess for this test, its all about i need to start timing myself for the past year exams...second one is the classic exam where you need to memorize, but since this is masters, memorizing does not get you anywhere, without case study examples for every definition and purpose of all d titles in supply chain management..hehe...basically there are 11 chapters, with about 7 to 10 mini titles for each chapters which makes it about 77 to 110 definitions, formulas, graphs and case studies to remember...die...

i've done my note...doing d mind mapping thingy...n hoping to God that my brain would remember all these...shites! after the 20th, im free!! rewarding myself with Jamie's Italian then :)


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